Request a Proof of Charitable Donation Letter

The Music Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, designated as a public charity by the IRS. You can verify this by searching for our EIN, 47-2276435, in the IRS Tax-Exempt Organization Check Tool.

This means that you can deduct your donation to the music mission from your taxable income on your federal tax returns for the tax year in which the donation is made. In order to deduct your donation, you need to maintain a record of the contribution in the form of either a bank record or a written communication from us. If you wish to deduct a contribution of $250 or more, however, you are required to have written communication from us detailing the donation. To make this process easier, we provide all donors who make a contribution of $10 or more with a letter acknowledging their donation. This way, even if you give less than the the $250 threshold and you don’t need a letter from us, you’ll still receive one to serve as a reminder of the deductible donation at tax preparation time.

If you would like to receive a letter declaring the value of your charitable donation for tax exemption purposes, please submit the form below. We’ll be happy to provide a letter for your records once we have received your donation. Donated instruments will be appraised before we provide the letter. Though we do help relocate pianos, we do not accept them as donations. As such, we will not provide charitable donation letters for pianos.

If you want more information regarding tax deductible donations, take a look at IRS publication 1771, Charitable Contributions – Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements.

Donation Letter Request
Include estimated value per line item.

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